Franzi’s ShareMeNot incorporated into the EFF Privacy Badger

The EFF just released a new online privacy tool, called Privacy Badger, to help protect against third-party tracking on the web.

The EFF worked with Franzi Roesner to integrate her ShareMeNot functionality into Privacy Badger. Privacy Badger uses the ShareMeNot techniques to handle social media widgets.

To quote from the EFF Press Release: “EFF wishes to thank Professor Franziska Roesner at the University of Washington for exceptional work in enhancing Privacy Badger’s widget-handling algorithms.”

Prof. Roxana Geambasu wins Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship

Congratulations to Roxana Geambasu for winning a highly coveted Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship!! This is a very high honor! Roxana is a Columbia University professor and past UW CSE PhD student. To quote from the Microsoft web page: “Each year since 2005, Microsoft Research has recognized innovative, promising new faculty members from a number of research institutions to join the ranks of Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows.” And: “We are pleased to announce the 2014 Faculty Fellows, seven young professors from the following five regions: Latin America and the Caribbean; Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; the United States and Canada; Australia and New Zealand; and Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore.” Congratulations Roxana!

Graduation 2014!

Congratulations to Franzi, Karl, and Tammy for walking today as part of your PhD graduations! We are very proud of all the UW CSE graduates!

Prof. Tamara Denning to join Utah School of Computing faculty

Congratulations to Prof. Tamara Denning! Prof. Denning will be joining the University of Utah’s School of Computing as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Congratulations to the University of Utah too, which is very fortunate to be getting Prof. Denning! Prof. Denning has done some amazing and visionary work in the field of computer security and human-computer interaction. She is scheduled to receive her PhD from the University of Washington in June.

Prof. Franzi Roesner to join UW CSE faculty

We are very excited to say that Franzi Roesner has accepted a tenure-track faculty position within the University of Washington Computer Science and Engineering Department! UW was very fortunate to get Prof. Roesner, as she had numerous other very attractive offers. Prof. Roesner will bring huge strengths and a new, permanent perspective to the UW CSE computer security and privacy efforts. We are all very excited about this! And congratulations to Prof. Roesner too!

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